In an interview, we were able to find out more about LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which differs from its predecessors in a few ways.

During the Opening Night Live, the big show at the start of Gamescom 2020, there was also a game that LEGO and Star Wars fans have been looking forward to for a long time. We are of course talking about LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, in which we can for the first time play all 9 episodes in the humorous block universe.

The Skywalker Saga offers a freely explorable universe

In The Skywalker Saga, we can’t just explore one world, in an interview, Mclaughlin stated that we can explore the whole LEGO Star Wars galaxy freely, which sounds really cool. We are therefore not only offered large hub areas on 24 planets, as we know from many LEGO games.

“This is one of the big story points of the game. The galaxy can be explored freely. This means that as a player you can enter 24 planets. Each planet also has its own space. Here you can participate in activities such as dog fights, smuggler races, and participate more. ”

According to McLaughlin, the “massive universe” is one point where The Skywalker Saga differs from all other block games. However, there is still a small question mark behind the size of the planets. How much there is really to be discovered on each planet remains to be seen. In any case, what has been said sounds extremely promising.

Over 500 Star Wars characters

As previously known, the game will feature over 500 of the popular characters from the Star Wars universe as Lego Starwars figures, many of which are playable. In an interview, McLaughlin revealed how we unlock the characters. So we either have to complete story missions or side quests or successfully take part in challenges such as races.

The force is with us: Having selected the right character, according to the developer, we can change objects in the game world more than ever, which also serves to further explore the planets. It is also possible to influence stormtroopers with the power to send them from attack mode to dance mode.


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